Empowering Your Forms,

Even When the Connection Can't!


Start collecting vital data for population health surveys with our offline forms service today and make a real impact.

Aidansform is leveling up with

Aidansform V2

Aidansform can now collect Location Information

Aidansform provides key tools needed in forms

Online And Offline.

When users take your form, the form can function both online and offline. No need to worry about losing data in internet-deficient regions.

Customizable Forms.

Customize colors, images, fonts, and questions to your liking. Aidansform comes with a plethora of ways to customize you form.

Respond Anywhere.

Access, create, edit, and take forms anywhere you are, with any device you have. aidansform is designed to work well all devices, big and small.

Easily create powerful and impactful forms

Work Together.

Add collaborators with a role base system, just like with Google Forms, to build and analyze forms together in real-time.

Structured Analysis.

Utilize interactive charts, graphs, and data visualization techniques to spot trends, patterns, and correlations within your responses.

Easy Distribution.

Forms are responsive and accessible on any device. You and your respondents can access and interact with forms seamlessly.


Endless possibilities with

Aidansform Widgets


Private by design.

Data Privacy Compliance.

Respecting your privacy is at the core of what we do. This means your personal information is handled with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, giving you peace of mind while using our services.

Data Encryption

Data security is our number one priority. We employ state-of-the-art encryption techniques to safeguard your sensitive information both during transmission and while it's stored. This ensures that your data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

No Third Party Access.

We do not share your data with any third party. Your data is yours and yours alone. We will never sell your data to any third party.

You control your data.

We will never gather user data.

We never sell your data to third parties

The numbers speak for themselves


Cheaper Solutions

Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime


Guaranteed Uptime

Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime


Median time to publish.

Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime Uptime

Here's what users have to say

aidansform saves me so much time and makes the form creation process so much easier and has so many hidden features

John Doe

Google Forms was way too difficult to use for my population health survey, but aidansform makes the process extremely easy!

Tom Smith

We needed a form for population health survey that could scale easily. Aidansform is the superior solution to accomplish this.

Jane Sullivan

Find the plan that's right for you


$0 / month

Ideal for freelancers or small teams looking to test Aidansform.

What's included

Online/offline forms

Form creator

Data analysis

Unlimited form views

15 forms

100 submissions/form



$24.99 / month

Great for solo creators needing a comprehensive set of tools.

Basic features, plus

Google form import

Google sheet export

Data collection plus

30 day draftback

Remove branding

300 forms

500 submissions/form


$74.99 / month

Designed for creators and smaller teams needing advanced features.

Plus features, plus

Data analysis plus

Google sheet sync

Beta feature access

Custom branding

15 collaborators

180 day draftback

Unlimited forms

Unlimited submissions



Best for large companies with specific data requirements.

Premium features, plus

Unlimited collaborators

Unlimited draftback

User management

Custom workflow

Branded mobile app

Custom api routes

Custom domain

Dedicated support

Research that makes a difference

A Building Block Approach to Implement a Telehealth Clinic and Improve Primary Care Access in the Philippines: A Large-Scale Pilot Project

A limited number of healthcare workers and cost constraints encumber primary care access in the Philippines. To test telehealth as a low-cost and effective solution, a large-scale digital health clinic was implemented in the selected urban and rural communities. In collaboration with local authorities, our pilot telemedicine clinic was implemented for 3 days in January 2023. Patients were registered, and their vitals were assessed before they were seen by a remote US-based licensed physician who provided treatment rec- ommendations. Medical devices with real-time streaming capabilities, such as electronic stethoscopes, were utilized to enhance remote examinations. A total of 322 patients were treated at the telehealth clinic; of which, 218 completed a population health survey. A large proportion of patients had a doctor visit more than 12 months prior (39.2%) and had not received a dental examination (86.3%) or an eye examination within the past year (84.4%). Most patients had access to a smartphone (69.7%). A lower proportion had access to an internet connection sufficient for video calls (57.9%) or a laptop (8.5%). Our clinic demon- strated that telehealth is a feasible solution to improve primary care access for disadvantaged communities in the Philippines.

Viability of Mobile Forms for Population Health Surveys in Low Resource Areas

Population health surveys are an important tool to effectively allocate limited resources in low resource communities. In such an environment, surveys are often done by local population with pen and paper. Data thus collected is difficult to tabulate and analyze. We conducted a series of interviews and experiments in the Philippines to assess if mobile forms can be a viable and more efficient survey method. We first conducted pilot interviews and found 60% of the local surveyors actually preferred mobile forms over paper. We then built a software that can generate mobile forms that are easy to use, capable of working offline, and able to track key metrics such as time to complete questions. Our mobile form was field tested in three locations in the Philippines with 33 surveyors collecting health survey responses from 266 subjects. The percentage of surveyors preferring mobile forms increased to 76% after just using the form a few times. The results demonstrate our mobile form is a viable method to conduct large scale population health surveys in a low resource environment.

Check out our latest

Introducing aidansform v2

aidansform v2 is finally here. Track even more data on form responses, and have the freedom to customize your form even more.

Phillipines Medical Mission 2023

aidansform was used in the most recent VSee medical mission. aidansform was used to power population health surveys.

Introducing aidansform v1

aidansform is finally released to the public. Functional both online and offline. Contains more data anlysis tools than ever.

© aidansform 2024. All rights reserved.